Thread: Accuquilt
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Old 09-30-2017, 05:39 AM
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Join Date: Aug 2010
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I am a new user of the Go! crank, 10 days or so. I have been quilting since the mid-80's and have collected way too much fabric. I make scrap quilts and have been saving all the scraps from everything.

Enter the Go, I am cutting a ton of fabric scraps into usable sized shapes with Classic style dies.
I just cut enough fabric to create 36 Take 5 blocks in RWB fabrics, that took no time at all with the Go. I am donating those blocks to a church who has a quilting group. I have 2 paper grocery bags full of fabrics, some scraps and blocks to donate to the church, am working on bag number 3.
Any usable sized pieces left from cutting with the die go in a bag for another church store to sell, they fund community projects.

I found that after getting the Go! starter set, I really needed more dies to cut shapes from largest to smallest while each fabric was on my table. Getting my last 3 dies today, well the last for now until they have another good sale.

If one finds the crank a bit too hard to turn, use 1 layer less fabric and see how it turns.

LOVE my machine to clear out fabrics and organize my stash at the same time.
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