Thread: Quilt Journal?
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Old 10-04-2017, 08:14 AM
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I started a sort of a hard copy scrapbook for my quilts for a couple of reasons: 1) I was curious about both my grandmothers quilts, and there was no record or notes about either of them or their accomplishments. 2) I give most of my stuff away and forget about it, but once in a while I like to remember what I made and give myself a little credit, (I've been told I forget to do that sometimes). My scrapbook contains pics of the quilts, sometimes with the recipients, along with miscellaneous notes about their creation - whatever was striking me at the time. It might have been the fabric, the pattern, the quilting challenges, whatever. That stated, I'm about 2 years behind in this journal/scrapbook AND I wish I'd been a little more systematic about the details for later reference, such as type of bat, piecing or quilting difficulties and the solutions I came up with, specific pattern names, ideas for the next time, etc. I have the pics of all my last 2 years work, just need to get them developed and into the record. Your post is encouraging me. I do think it's great on many levels to keep track of your accomplishments, so have fun whatever format you choose!
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