Thread: batting
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Old 10-09-2017, 05:53 AM
Join Date: Oct 2017
Posts: 7

many many thanks to everyone who had ideas - they are greatly appreciated.

will see if we can find a walking foot for the machines. the blankets are tied - not quilted - and we do so many a year that they would never agree to a binding. 50 twins and maybe 100 babies (all my hand quilted quilts are done on grandma's quilt frames and i put on a binding). these people will not. I finally got them to quit using corduroy for the quilts. i even found a pair of thermal back drapes in the stash i inherited from the last worker. that hit the garbage can pdq. we are making progress one step at a time. all our older ladies ( 80 +) no longer help and the next generation 60ish is taking over. Many have no clue how to even sew. i think being in a hurry might also be part of the problem.

again i thank you so much and appreciate your ideas. will see what we can do.
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