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Old 10-20-2017, 07:29 AM
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Join Date: Jul 2011
Location: Texas
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Barb, your blocks are so fun! And what a great retreat, you were so productive. I'm slow, getting your card in this mornings mail. I don't hold hope that it will reach you by your birthday. But stranger things have happened.

My excuses. FIRST, the engine blew in our car. We'v had it one year and bought the insurance package (used car) Despite proving them with five oil change receipts the ins company keeps asking for proof of this and that. the other day it was receipts for ALL the OIL we purchased in the last year. Oil change proof wasn't enough. THEN my washer broke and hubby decided he could fix it. one week later, he did, but one hose came un-clamped and flooded my master closet. $200 later, I'm waiting all day for the carpet people to come lay the new padding I bought and re-clean it. Last, to top the other two explosions. We have this fun gadget that boils eggs in the microwave. It works amazing, except for me.. Blew four eggs up!!! I've been really angry the last two weeks lol. Not getting as much accomplished as I needed to. But today is a sewing day, after my trip to the PO!!! I'm making my daughter a Halloween quilt, she'll be so surprised.

Question, is anyone doing the Row by Row WOOLY blocks? This year every store is allowing you to get their pattern for a short time for free. I'm really into wool right now. lol
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