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Old 10-20-2017, 08:51 AM
Jeanette Frantz
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Join Date: May 2012
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I can't use spray basting either, also because of asthma (which for some reason is much worse this year than in past years). That's one reason I stick to pin basting, or hand basting. Asthma attacks (or incidents) can be deadly, and I'm not about to take that risk. I wish I could help you on this issue, but I really cannot. I hope you find a solution to your problem. I use a high quality 100% poly batting, so the spray basting is not an option.

Originally Posted by QuiltnNan

i just saw on an episode of a quilting show on the Create channel [can't remember which one, but it was very recent]... do not spray baste on the scrim side of any batting that has a scrim... it causes the fabric to have waves/wrinkles.
Perhaps I'm brain dead this afternoon, but eventually, both sides of the batting have to be basted. First your quilt top, then your batting, then the backing. How can you avoid spraying the scrim side, since the batting is in the center? As I said, I may be brain dead!
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