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Old 11-03-2017, 07:30 AM
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Join Date: Dec 2012
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What do the fabrics look like? Are they all fairly small patterns? If so, any pattern will work. If there are one or two larger prints, then you may want to consider a pattern that uses a larger center square so you can cut those prints bigger. It doesn't have to be a complicated pattern, a churn dash would work fine for a some larger prints. Depending on how many prints you have, every block could be different and just use the same color for the background to tie it all together. To figure out which background works, audition them. Lay a dark, medium and light on the bed and lay your prints across them. Leave it for the day and every time you walk into the room see which one catches your eye first. If you want more of a 'musical theme, you can quilt the centers with a basic musical note. Please post pics of what you pick. (Your friend is a very lucky person!)
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