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Old 11-25-2017, 03:49 AM
Super Member
Join Date: May 2010
Location: Northwest Georgia
Posts: 3,272

Oldcatlady's squishie is going out in today's mail, and I'll get the other two birthday girls' squishies out early next week (gotta get some more stamps).

Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving! It's been CrAzY here, between my craft fairs (one left!) and trying to clean out the garage so we can put the house up for sale. It's unbelievable how much STUFF accumulates over 25+ years. There are things in the garage that I don't even remember! We've dragged a bunch of it out into the driveway for a "free" yard sale this morning, and have thrown the rest into the dumpster that we rented. I keep jokingly asking DH which of his tools he's going to give away, but he just looks at me like I have two heads. Him parting with his tools would be like me parting with my fabric. Ain't gonna happen!

I've been SO naughty with all the Black Friday sales. Three orders from Connecting Threads, a BUNCH of orders from Amazon, one from Walmart, etc. I truly needed the fabric, though, since my craft fair items have eaten up much of my stash. The mini Instant Pot will be great in our camper (cargo trailer conversion). I found a wire bookshelf/rack that'll be great for holding bath towels. And I couldn't turn down the box set of Harry Potter movies for $23 shipped. Picked up some Christmas gifts, too!
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