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Old 12-08-2017, 07:27 PM
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Join Date: Jul 2017
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Originally Posted by leonf View Post
[QUOTETragedy of modern life- at least I've got my health, lol.
And you aren't looking for a $1,000 motherboard.

What exactly is wrong with the machine you posted about?[/QUOTE] Thankful I'm not in the motherboard market, for sure. Necchis (Supernovas esp) have a transformer that is actually 2transformers side by side. One steps the current down for the light, and the other has two settings, that make you have a slow speed and a fast speed. After the transformer goes to electrical components heaven, you have two choices: find a parts machine that has a transformer (and this is the first part that gets used, usually) or have an electrician (or OSMG) rewire it so that you have an outboard transformer just for the light, and the motor goes to only one speed range. I bought another Supernova to use for the transformer (or if its in better shape than mine, I might just switch, sorry ancestral machine) but I feel like I'm committing a really bad sewing machine sin taking a perfectly beautiful Necchi apart for one piece.

I'm also trying to find some kind of entre into the world of transformer people, so see if its possible to get these things made somewhere by someone. As we know, there are people who are crazy enough about their sewing machines to pay $1000 for a new motherboard, so for sure there are those who'd pay what, up to $100 for a transformer without batting an eyelash. Upwards from there, I *might* pay, but there would be soul-searching on top of the eyelash batting. I thought a local guy who rebuilds motors was going to hook me up with a friend of his who makes transformers, but I think he may have thought I was just some crackpot, because I never heard back from him. Sigh,oh but for the days of my youth, when I was cute and could manipulate tradesmen with just a smile.
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