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Old 12-08-2017, 07:49 PM
Sleepy Hollow
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Overall I'm really happy with all the fabrics! As I go through them I put any matching squares aside for matching game quilts, and any really similar (but slightly different) in another set in case I'm ever in the position of making a set of quilts for twins (so they are similar, but not the same).

This is the first time I've noticed the selvedge issue. I did have one fabric (of which I received 4 squares, each in a different package) where none of the selvedge had been trimmed out. There were also two squares that should have been fussy cut, as there wasn't a complete animal on either square (the animals were small enough, just not cut carefully). 5 squares out of 320 isn't too bad (I did 4 sets of 8), but I'd never had selvedge in my packages before (I have had one block that had the "no complete animal" issue before).

But, again, overall I am really happy with what I received, and I can even make use of the "off" squares. There were a lot of new ones this round, and I'm excited to participate again! I'll probably start cutting some squares before the end of the month...
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