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Old 12-11-2017, 03:03 AM
Super Member
Join Date: Aug 2010
Posts: 2,191

I've been retired 9 years but we downsized after the first year. So my answers are Yes... and No...!
1. Can you keep your sewing area clean and organized after you retire? It's our guest room so I do keep it sort of neat. I use the bed, however, as a design wall
2. Can you put together Large blocks of time to quilt? I can make time - use my crock pot more than ever and let the dust build up when I feel like it
3. Do you actually use up your stash and happily keep from spending retirement funds? I try to use stash as much as possible but shop sales. And because I'm more productive, I need fabric for backs and sashing
4. Or, does your stash bore you and you keep right on shopping? My stash is endlessly fascinating as I forget what I have!
5. Are the floor-to-ceiling stacks of magazines being utilized like you intended? I have never hoarded magazines but take them to guild for the free table. I spend more time weeding out patterns I realize I'll never use
6. Are you able to take the classes, or go to the Sit and Sews like you planned? Yes, definitely, and that is a plus of retirement!

Enjoy yourself - I love retirement!
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