Old 12-20-2017, 07:47 PM
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Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: western n.c.
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When my girls were little yes every 2-3 days I cleaned from ceiling to floor using bleach, Lysol ect..But I realized I was causing them to get sick easier, I know that may sound silly, because I did this so much they picked up every germ around. My oldest got micro-plasma( a sickness brought back from desert storm) I spent so much time back and froth to the doctors with her and time with her at home I did not get to clean for 2 weeks nothing more than small stuff. I started noticing a change in all of my family and made the change myself. Now I really clean once a week with products that kill germs and when someone is sick. I also clean 20 homes, and have cut down on antibacterial products. I do think these products have played a major role in the decline of my health over the last 10 years. A lot of the disinfecting and germ killing products need to remain wet on counter tops and ect for 13 minutes before they work as they should. I now use a lot of steam to kill germs such as steam mops and the little hot shot steam machines.
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