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Old 12-25-2017, 06:06 AM
Barb in Louisiana
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Join Date: Jun 2010
Location: The Deep South near Cajun Country, USA
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You did a great job on that colorway. I have wanted to make one, but have just not wanted to fight with all those matching points. What method did you use for construction? Did you do stratas or cut each piece individually?

I thought copyright had to do with selling someone else's pattern and saying that it is your design, but I could be wrong. Jan Krentz was one of the first to design a spiral lone star, but certainly not the last. Judy Neymeyer has several lone star patterns that her experts have made into Spiral Lone Stars. I've seen them on Facebook and they are beautiful. As long as you aren't making them by the thousands and exactly by the original pattern, it is supposed to be all right to use a pattern and sell a few if you want to.

Edited to add: If you look at pictures of Jan Krentz' Lone Stars, she extends the pattern out to include some spikey blocks and an outside border. So, in my eyes, you are not really making a pattern she designed, but just chose a coloring similar to hers. NOTE: These were made by her pattern but not all her work.

And there are as many ways to piece and finish a lone star pattern as there are quilters. These are just some of the ways.

Last edited by Barb in Louisiana; 12-25-2017 at 06:13 AM.
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