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Old 12-31-2017, 11:04 AM
Super Member
Join Date: Jul 2012
Location: Vancouver Island, Beautiful BC
Posts: 2,090

I have a man helping me purge my home of 20 years of detritus. Raised 3 kids, many pets and stuff got put into boxes and bins over the years, but not sorted or purged.

I have a large laundry basket of socks missing their mate. Why am I keeping them? I truly have no idea. There are socks that would fit a preschooler and my dd is 19. Before Christmas I did one last sort of the socks. When school starts back up, I am going to ask if the elementary school could use them for craft projects, otherwise out the go.

So back to the fellow who is helping me. He started with the yard, filled a trench, removed a retaining wall and leveled the back yard, build raised beds and placed a boarder for a new flower bed. We will wait until spring to bring in top soil. He tool away old tools and mowers, fixed both mowers, brought on back and he can do what he likes with the other one.

Next the garage, it is a single car garage that was chock a block full of stuff (we could not park in it for over 10 years as an RV was parked in front of it (oh yeah got rid of the RV too).

Now he has moved into the house. Friends have asked me if I am worried about him working in the house when I am not home. The answer is no. If he tosses something that I later decide I 'need', so be it.

He is also going to help me get rid of some furniture that my ex was supposed to remove 3.5 years ago, but did not. We will have to wait for dry weather for that as he only has an open truck.

Books and fabric are my downfall. I have lots of both and need to sort through the fabric myself. I will donate the non quilting fabric to the Home Ec program at the school. The quilting fabric I will take to a guild meeting and set out on a free table.

I donated 6 boxes of books before Christmas, there are many more to go through.

I am not in a rush, I hope to have most the work done by the end of June. I start back at Uni in a week, plus am away the month of May. I have a heavy course load and need to work hard to get through the program.
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