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Old 02-12-2010, 07:58 PM
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Join Date: Oct 2009
Location: San Diego, CA
Posts: 132

A kennel worker friend of mine shared a tip for administering pills to dogs that has always worked for me. Find a special soft treat that your dog loves (cheese, garlic bread, hot dogs). Cut up THREE pieces of this treat. Put the pill in the SECOND one and then this is how it goes down . . .

Show (tease) your dog that you have a treat. Make sure you have the second one ready in your other hand. Then give the first one while they see you are ready with the second one. Most dogs will gulp them down but the smart ones will carefully chew the first one to show you that they are on to you . . . When they decide that the first treat was clean and free of contraband, they will be more likely to Whoof down the second one). Make sure you give the second AND third one quickly (think "beer chaser") so that they are so eager to get the third one, they swallow the second one up in order to eagerly get the third.

Also, I don't use topical treatments or pills to prevent fleas. I have been using Zodiac Foggers for 20 years and work great with a small price and big benefit. I've lived in Florida, Texas, and California . . . and know bad flea seasons. I was a dog groomer for over a dozen years and am not in "flea denile". I decided that treating my house and yard was more cost effective and safer for my family than chemical put on or in my pets.

The treatment I use works for 7 months and kills not only the adult fleas but prevents the eggs in your home from hatching.
I rotate the active ingredient chemical used in the yard (as fleas do become resistant) every 5 weeks and fog my house twice a year. Cost for foggers is $16 - $32 (depending on how large your house is). PM me for more details.
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