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Old 01-18-2018, 12:49 PM
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Join Date: Jun 2011
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Originally Posted by Teen View Post
Wow!! This is incredible, so far. Did you actually use a color wheel when you selected fabrics or is this a kit? I ask because this would really challenge me in terms of color gradation, which I suck at. Lol!

your son is a little rascal! Lol!
No color wheel, pattern or kit. He was with me at the fabric store some years back and asked if we could make a quilt "Together". So I told him sure, pick out you some fabrics, he started with the red and worked his way through the rainbow picking out fat-quarters. From the initial collection, we added more along the way because he wanted the colors to blend better. At the time, we had NO idea what were going to make but that we were going to work on it "together". Over time, it grew to 32 colors and I asked him what he wanted to do with it and he said lets make it round like a color wheel. So I played with it in my quilt program until i came up with something, at his prompting we changed a few things, and at one point we had it going in a large spiral and that's when he told me now twist it back and forth a few times. We eventually ended up with a final pattern, which I am paper piecing so in hopes that it all line up correctly. With 32 spokes, circles and color, it has been quite the project to keep track of. The system so far is working great though.

The gradation was challenge, especially for me because I would get one spot the way I liked it and end up with another area that I thought it needed to blend better but I stepped back and let him chose when to add or subtract and where. He's happy with where it is going and that's what counts.
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