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Old 01-18-2018, 06:22 PM
Super Member
Join Date: Jun 2010
Location: SW Minnesota
Posts: 1,120

Thank You, Thank You, Thank You to all the ladies in this group. Sorry I have been on vacation to my daughter in South Dakota to do some wedding planning and wedding dress shopping. (Yes, she found a beautiful dress for her June wedding}. Then on Sundya morning (my birthday), I drove 9 hours to a quilt retreat and am finally back home tonight. I have received the birthday packages from everyone except Red Stilettos and MrsHalibut. I saw the post from MrsHalibut that she is sending hers yet and wondering about RedStilettos. Is it lost in the mail or did a busy life happen this month for you and it's not sent yet? RedStilettos, just letting you know I haven't received it yet. Thank You ladies for all the birthday wishes and the candy. I can't wait to open them all. I think I will wait until I receive my candy packages from MrsHalibut and RedStilettos and then open them all at the same time. Cant wait to participate again in the next one.
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