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Old 01-22-2018, 07:21 AM
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Join Date: Sep 2011
Location: Mendocino Coast, CA
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Default Tofu Surprises and WW

I know what you're thinking...tofu...AUGH! I thought that too until a few years ago, when my husband and I decided to move towards a more plant-based diet. I then began looking for more interesting things to do with tofu and learned how tofu can replace animal products in many ways. Plus, it's cheap! Now that I'm on Weight Watchers, there's a new, added plus...tofu is a zero point food, which means that I can eat all I want of it and I don't even have to track it. I know that there a few other QB people out there that have also started WW recently, so I thought I'd start this thread to share tofu recipes.

I love making a tofu scramble with lots of veggies and a few other things to enhance the taste, or to make it even more nutritious. I also make a tofu mayonnaise that most people in my family actually prefer to regular mayo. I don't know how many SPs regular mayo has, but my version has a lot less. Another favorite recipe I use all the time is homemade, tofu pasta. There are no eggs in this pasta and it is amazing! I'll share some of these recipes on this thread over the next week, or two and if anyone else is interested in this topic, please share.

~ C
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