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Old 01-22-2018, 07:44 PM
Super Member
Join Date: Dec 2010
Location: Dallas area, Texas, USA
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I think this video by Patsy Thompson is one of the very best for someone just starting out: I have to say, however, that basting a quilt on a vertical wall doesn't seem workable to me. I don't understand why the fabric wouldn't stretch and distort under the pull of gravity. So I ignore that part, but love her careful and detailed coverage of all the steps to quilting on the DSM, and her encouraging words about it being possible to do this with a rather large quilt. I found she was right about that, and might never have been brave enough to try it without her.

Your local class will be wonderful, but having a video that you can stop and start and review many times will be helpful, too, especially if you tend to sew at odd hours as I sometimes do. I like several Craftsy videos, too. Before buying one, I like to look through the gallery of students' work for a class that I'm considering. You can tell a lot about the style of quilting that will be offered and maybe judge whether it's too advanced or too basic for your needs, or just not what you're trying to learn right now.
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