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Old 01-22-2018, 07:56 PM
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Join Date: Aug 2013
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Same! I couldn't stand it! So today was the day. Decided I don't even want my large Cuisinart coffee pot any more because it takes up so much space, has many parts to operate/fill/clean for the little bit of coffee I consume. Then there's the mail. Oy vey, the mail. Coupons, bill, flyers, junkjunkjunk. I try to pitch the crap as soon as it comes in, but my lazy streak kicks in. Then there are twist-ties which my guys leave on the counter instead of throwing in the trash when the bread is gone. (Why??) And rubber bands which belong in the drawer, a mere 3 inches from the top of counter. Ahem. And dirty dishes in the sink when the dishwasher is empty. Does not make one scintilla of sense. I got so fed up last night that I dubbed this Kitchen Day. If I did nothing else, I would get those dang counters clean, the fridge cleaned out, the floor swept and mopped. I took before photos in case I needed to see progress.

I'm happy to report that the counters are 90% clear now, the old science project food is now in the garbage instead of in the fridge, the floor has no more clumps of dog hair/loose change/post-it notes/onion peels/receipts from 1985 on it, and it is shining hardwood once again.
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