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Old 01-25-2018, 03:21 PM
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Originally Posted by redstilettos View Post
I knew you ladies would come through.

Lizard bedding. For pin cushions. Who knew!? LOL

I'm going to stop on my way home from work tonight and see what the pet store has. If not, I'll order from Amazon and have it delivered.

Good point on disclosing the walnuts for those with a nut allergy. I have heard some people having them bad enough that even peanut dust puts them in a dither. So....I'll still use this, but will put a note by the table with a little warning.

One more question: is it fine enough that I need to make a bag for it for inside the pin cushion, or can I just fill the pincushion?

I love the idea of giving some away at the guild meetings....if the bags are that big, I'd have plenty to use and give away at the same time. I bet the ladies would love it!

I just filled the pin cushion for mine. It's not that fine, nor did it seem to have any dust when working with it.
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