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Old 01-25-2018, 06:42 PM
Senior Member
Join Date: Apr 2010
Posts: 696

I made a dozen or more for the quilt show our guild did last year. I got mine thru the pet store, delivered. I think it was 12 pounds for about $8. I used old denim jeans cut up, cut a liner of muslin. At the side I sewed shut, I cut the muslin larger so I could use this for filling and the left over for sewing shut. For some I put a little pocket on with left over red hanker chief fabric to brighter it up. The pocket is for a thimble. On others I wrapped with ribbon. I believe the old time embroiders used pin cushions made this way. I would not uses steel wool because if it gets wet, it will rust. Good luck. I was at the quilt show and all of them went before it opened so the workers must have bought them.
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