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Old 01-27-2018, 10:43 AM
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Originally Posted by meanmom View Post
I know several people who have used the pet bedding. My friend sells hers at craft fairs. The only thing with walnut shells is a lot of people have nut allergies. . My DD could go into anaphylactic shot from using it. Just make sure you warn people. I would put a warning label on them that they contain nuts.
Just so you know, people who are allergic to peanuts are not necessarily allergic to all nuts. as peanuts are a legume (pea or bean), not a nut. It's my understanding that people are allergic to the protein in the peanut (I used to be a chef.), so walnut shells would not not trigger an allergic reaction. Tree nut allergy is not very common.

However, that said, (and just to be safe) you could print up a whole page of tiny labels that say "contains tree nut shells" and attach them to the pin cushions with a pin. (You could use 80 to a page label template in Word.) They would be easily removable, give fair warning and would not cost anything to speak of.

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