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Old 02-07-2018, 09:22 AM
Senior Member
Join Date: Jan 2015
Location: Southwest
Posts: 736

Today (and last night)...I'm going thru my scraps of batting and piecing them together to use. I've got many pieces of batting that I save (usually 24" wide X at least 48" long). They are taking up much room in my closet. So, I've been piecing them (using the iron-on batting tape) and using them up. I was able to use some to finish up one quilt 59" X 59" and am piecing some more today for another quilt top 48" X 60". I will not buy any more batting until I use this up. I keep it rolled on a long cardboard tupe in one of those pop-up hampers. Once that's empty, I'll purchase another batting roll. But, I'm committed to using up all of it before I purchase more.
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