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Old 04-02-2018, 01:15 PM
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Join Date: Sep 2016
Posts: 548

Originally Posted by Peckish
Nobody cans, cooks, or bakes anymore. I make pancakes from scratch and my kids' friends are amazed. They didn't know you could do that.

I went to several stores lately, looking for biscuit cutters. Couldn't find one anywhere. An employee workin nearby, an older woman, asked me if she could help me find anything, I said in frustration "Biscuit cutters! There's 7 different kinds of can openers but no biscuit cutters?!?!?!?" She replied "It's a sad statement about our culture today, isn't it?"

that's a generalization now isn't it?? I'm still raising my kids and all of them enjoy cooking from scratch and they LOVE to bake. The real trick is getting them to stop baking things, I can only eat so many delicious treats (to be a supportive parent you understand ) and I have to watch my weight . It's not just our family either, my two best friends (both raising kids too) are teaching all of their children to cook and bake. It's very frustrating to be trying to do my best to raise good productive independent future adults and all everyone can do is get on the "bashing younger people" bandwagon.

I'll give you the canning thing though, the closest we come to canning is making homemade freezer jam for the deep freeze. I also don't own a biscuit cutter because I use a glass (like my mother and grandmothers did) or make drop biscuits.
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