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Old 04-17-2018, 04:03 AM
Junior Member
Join Date: Mar 2015
Location: Upstate NY
Posts: 218

Yes you can. I cannot FMQ a design. Sooooo. I find a quilting design or pantograph that I want for the piece.. I do this for table runners, bed runners and quilts where I want to do individual blocks and borders as large as queen size) If necessary, resize it to the size I need. Then I draw a master onto Golden Thread paper. (I have found using washable Crayola thin line markers work best for drawing on the paper. No worry about the color coming off on the quilt and not washing out) Then I figure out the repeat and number of repeats I need to fit the object I am quilting and make the copies. Then I pin it on the sandwiched quilt and quilt away. Using this method I have finished all my UFOs.
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