Old 04-21-2018, 06:14 PM
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Thanks for the replies. I've been humbled. Some people are just naturally loving and non-judgemental...not me. I need the reminders from others.

These quilts would not have survived washing. Both quilts were too large for intended use. And I was willing to remake them.

Hadn't even thought of odors. This wasn't an issue in this instance.

Seems there is value in almost all quilts, just depends upon the recipient. Which brings up another criteria; who is the recipient. These will go to women's shelters, hospice, foster care. Clean, durable, size are important criteria.

This is a personal criteria; when making donation quilts, I want to enjoy the process and create something I wouldn't use but would like to make. A friend was making quilts for a women's recovery program. A quilt was one of the graduation gifts. My friend loved creating quilts for these ladies and made them fun for the recipients.

"i have finally come to the conclusion that it is not a cardinal sin to not accept any and all donations." from Bearisgrey. This reminds me that there is way too much "good" works out there for me to do it all. And some of that "good" works belongs to someone else.

My conclusion: be humble and stay within the work that I'm called to do.
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