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Old 05-17-2018, 08:26 AM
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Join Date: Apr 2010
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My son believed in the great pumpkin too. He woke up on Halloween, and on the front steps, it was decking, was a pumpkin that had grown thru the slats. No one saw it the days before either. He knew the great pumpkin left it for him. He got letter from Santa for awhile. I had friends mail him a card in early December. he believed in a long time.
Cupid would bring him gift for Valentines day till he was about 6. The Easter bunny, about the same time. when he was about 7, He heard the story of Ostara, and learned all about the holiday and how the story of the bunny started.
He believed in the St.Pat's leprechaun for a long time, because of something that happened to both of us. I still give him something goldish. Usually, some gold coins, the gold ones from the Sacawajia ones that were minted about 15 years ago. the train station gives them out in the machine.
Santa comes to our house every year, along with Haunnauka Harry.
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