Thread: scam
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Old 05-20-2018, 06:27 AM
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Originally Posted by Onebyone View Post
If I feel full of it I play along with them for a few minutes. I tell them the most outrageous things like how my butler took my cat and wanted a ransom, my chauffeur was arrested drag racing my cars, that my cook and the housekeeper was charging for tours in my home when I was out of the country and on and on until they hang up.
Any more evil suggestions? I pretend to be the ditzyest old lady who ever lived. DH has been warned that if I holler "FRANK! HOW DO YOU TURN THE COMPUTER ON?!?" that I'm winding one up. (His name isn't Frank, of course, or anything close.) Then I pretend to be hunting for the right key on the keyboard, all the while nattering about how my grandson usually turns it on for me, but we had a power outage Thursday-- or was it Wednesday? Yes, it must have been Wednesday because that was the day that Boopsie got out of the yard, and we just hunted and hunted for hours and hours and hours...

Last edited by IceLeopard; 05-20-2018 at 06:34 AM.
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