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Old 05-23-2018, 11:14 PM
Super Member
Join Date: Nov 2017
Location: Portland, OR
Posts: 2,247

I also hope that your journey with cancer will be successful. You are already a strong and good person and I admire your desire to use this experience to grow. My thoughts and prayers will be with you and your family as you receive treatment. Although this is my first boom, I will be happy to do side swaps if you desire. I truly hope they will find the right chemo so that you have minimal side effects. Thank you for sharing something that you are still figuring out yourself. Lots of support heading your way.

Originally Posted by jaba
I am here ladies, its just been hard trying to make sense of things that are going on in my life right now. To explain, I will try. About a month before we left Florida, I wasn't feeling good and it seemed it just kept getting worse. Nothing you could really say "this is it" but I just knew something wasn't quite right. We got back to Wyoming and I called the doctor the next day, she got me in for an appt. the next day and referred me to another doctor immediately. Since I saw the new specialist it has been a whirlwind. The last 6 days I have had a colonoscopy and 2 surgeries, last 1 yesterday. 1st it was definitely positive for cancer and thought was that it was colon cancer but that came back negative cancer for the colon. Turns out the cancer is in the skin layer before it definitely is in the colon. My surgeon wanted to make certain there was no cancer in the colon so that was for the second surgery yesterday, he took 2 more specimens to send in for a biopsy just to make sure. If they come back negative then the cancer I have is a high grade squamous intraepithelial lesion.....what it amounts to is that the cancer somehow starts in the skin layer before going into the colon or in some cases the uterus. Outcome is that I will have to have chemo and radiation. Until next week when the final results come back I don't for sure if surgery will be involved also.

I have communicated with Janice and have decided that the best option is for me to not participate in Boom 21. I truly will miss this, have been in everyone since I joined the Quilting Board. I will pre-warn all of you, if health wise from the chemo and radiation will let me make blocks I will be on this board and asking for side swaps....I have my fabric all packaged and ready to mail.
I'm not telling all of you this for any sorrow, you are family and I felt that you should know the truth instead of just wondering why I hadn't posted anything. I'm hoping my journey with cancer will be successful and I will be a stronger and better person because of it. I'm not ready for anything else yet, I still have a lot to do
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