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Old 05-26-2018, 01:13 PM
Mona G
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Janice, I'd like to jump into the 2nd group since it is 3 months long also. I have 4 tops I'm trying to finish with the blocks from this boom so there will be several different fabrics and requests from me.

I do have one "small" piece of fabric that is 13 x 15, and a couple of about 6 x 11 that will be included in the baggy that I was hoping to use but if this is too small for someone to work with I will keep it myself.
Originally Posted by Janice McC
Back to Boom Business for a few minutes. Reminder that sign-ups close in 6 days, on May 31. At this point, we have one full 3 month group and a second three month group with 12 members, maybe 13. As always, if the 2nd group doesn't completely fill, we can "round up" (formerly called double up) which is essentially sending enough f8s to make a full group, it's not making two for every person. Those who wish to "round up" will send up to 19 f8s for the group. Those who don't want to will just send one for each participant. Either is perfectly fine with me. This next week we'll see if anyone else signs up. If not, I'll explain and discuss the way round up works further. This confuses a lot of people but trust me, it works. Send me 19 f8s and you'll get 19 blocks back even if we have less than the full number in the group. I'll sort it all out here.

So, for anyone interested in joining, we have a less than a week left in sign-ups. Speak up! We have room for more people.


NanaKathy55, please read your pm and reply asap. Thanks!
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