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Old 06-01-2018, 01:17 PM
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Join Date: Mar 2008
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DH's motto is "A place for everything, and everything in it's place." I joke that my motto is "Everything is someplace." He doesn't think it's funny ... which makes it even funnier to me!

I do find his motto is very helpful, though. When I decide to clean up the craftermath, it goes much more smoothly when I know exactly where everything goes. I try to do the craftermath control when I finish each project, but when I get more than one project going at a time, it can be chaotic.

I also try to keep fabrics together that I intend to make a quilt or something with, but often end up raiding it when I need something for my current project. It's okay, though, because those fabric collections are often ones I gathered up from the sale table.
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