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Old 06-15-2018, 01:32 AM
Senior Member
Join Date: Dec 2016
Location: Upstate SC
Posts: 680

My organizing efforts are an on-going, lifelong project it seems. In the last week I have finished 2 sewing projects that have been around for a while......replacement cushions for my son's outdoor swing and curtains for the guest bedroom. At least that fabric is now in use and not just laying around taking up space in my sewing room.
You never know when or where that "organizing bug" will strike. On Tuesday I was getting a pan out of my pan cabinet to make carmelized onions and it just struck me.....most of these pans have been here (unused and untouched) for as long as I have been in this house.....10 years! Stopped right then, took all of them out and put on dining room table. Yesterday loaded into van and will take to charity donation house today. Gone and lots of space in my pan cabinet.
So Rob, you are so right, there is so much organizing to be done in some of our lives, and I feel when my home is organized and clutter free, I am much happier and that reflects on my quilting/sewing efforts.
Happy Organizing everyone!
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