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Old 06-21-2018, 08:04 AM
Super Member
Join Date: Sep 2011
Location: Mendocino Coast, CA
Posts: 4,848

I've been on WW since January and I LOVE the Freestyle program and all those zero point foods! They really helps me stay satisfied throughout the day. I agree, you shouldn't abuse the system, (like, how about 15 eggs for points, right? Not!) But you can add a ton of fruits and veggies. I had a veggie, tofu scramble with some melon on the side this morning that would have totaled zero points, but I added some almond cream cheese to make it creamy, so it came to a whopping 2 points. WW has been very clever with the Freestyle program. They get you to think that eating good, healthy foods is the way to go, without actually telling you to eat them. It's always better and longer lasting when people make their own decisions to make a change.

~ C
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