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Old 06-27-2018, 07:31 PM
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Default Fabric Bleed on Auction Quilt

Okay smart quilters, I have a quilt issue and I'm humbling asking for advice.

I made a quilt (got in done in March!) for our family reunion auction that will be held on July 4th. It was this one: Stars & Stripes Quilt by Missouri Star

I didn't use the pre-cuts because I've had problems with bleeding before, so I bought yardage and cut my own red, white, and blue strips. I pre-washed everything, but apparently not enough.

Quilt is back from the LA and I got it labeled and bound. We have cats, so I always wash the quilt before it leaves the house. I used 4 color catchers and the red still bled on the white. So here are my options:

1. Make the same quilt again. I have some of the strips left. However, my mojo is lacking for making the same quilt twice.

2. Make an entirely new, easy quilt. I have two jelly rolls that I could use, but I'd need suggestions for patterns.

3. Pretend I never made a quilt, stuff it in a closet, and go to the auction with no item.

4. Put the original quilt in the auction and go about my business.

Thoughts? Advice? Has this ever happened to you? I'm especially sad about the whole thing. The auction isn't for charity, just to raise funds for the next reunion and to have a little fun. I do have a reputation for putting in high bid items though. Thanks in advance.
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