Thread: Boom 21 - Waves
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Old 06-30-2018, 06:08 AM
Super Member
Join Date: Sep 2011
Posts: 2,590

I've just caught up on the board. So many beautiful blocks made in my time away. I got to take a trip to Yellowstone and dragged my youngest son and his family with us. We drove 3 days there and back and the weather was perfect for driving. Yellowstone is always gorgeous but we didn't see much wildlife in the short time we were there. Lots of gorgeous scenery. I couldn't convince anyone to let me visit a single quilt shop!

Terriamn -- I am very sorry for your loss. There are such joys in living a long life but losing those you love on your journey is so sad.

Jaba -- Janice is indeed our angel! I am happy you are doing well with your chemo. I hope they are giving you the chemo cocktail before the chemicals to help reduce the nausea. Kill that cancer!!!

Sewbiz -- is it the Cotton Blossom row by row that you like? I want to get the one from Meridian, too. Not to make a quilt anytime soon....

I took a couple of my Mardi Gras blocks from a previous boom to Yellowstone with me to hand quilt. I couldn't quilt while driving but I tried! I am prone to car sickness and altitude sickness despite all the water I was drinking and co-Q10 I was taking so not much quilting happened these last few days. Happy to be home and ready to open my block books to start making blocks for you wonderful boomers.
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