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Old 07-13-2018, 06:13 AM
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Join Date: Jun 2010
Location: Hartford, Mo
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True. I had several 'crafts' I did before retirement and moving. So I gave away $$$ worth to others whom I hoped enjoyed the crafts. One friend did pass it on to others to enjoy as a new neighbor did here after we moved. At age of 76 this year, there is a limit to time and money and I hate to see anything of value tossed, so I pass it on as I can. Postage rates are so high, I cannot ship like I used too, so some boxes are on hold until I figure out how to work it into the budget. Best budget keeper is to not go to town or shop on internet. Still machine quilt and have a large stash to work with in my hobby of LA for me, but I know a few in the local area, so no problems in getting the tops done, if we have the money.

Retirement cut our income by 55%, so we are still adjusting to less spending money, more what we need, instead of what we want. and I spent more time quilting, reading and cooking for dh.
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