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Old 08-01-2018, 07:35 PM
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Join Date: Sep 2010
Location: California, USA
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Default Aluminum Foil for ironing

Recently at a retreat, I needed to starch a lot of fabrics before I cut them. I have a homemade ironing board that I take to the retreat (2' x 3') and the cover is stapled to the board. This makes it a chore to clean the ironing board cover when it gets dirty. I wanted to make a slipover cover for the board for when I am starching. Unfortunately, I ran out of time.

Suddenly a light bulb went on over my head and I purchased a roll of aluminum foil and used it to cover the board when I starched the fabric. It did a great job of keeping the board clean and it even seemed to make the starch dry faster as I ironed the fabric on it. When I was through, all I had to do was ball up the foil and toss it.

The one thing that I would do different, however, is next time I will bring my heavy duty large width foil with me. The store brand I purchased was a little too light for the job and did move around a bit when I moved the iron. The heavier foil would hold onto the ends of the board a lot better.

So, until I get around to making an extra cover for when I am starching fabric, I will utilize the foil to keep my ironing board clean.
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