Old 02-18-2010, 12:43 AM
Super Member
Join Date: Dec 2006
Location: NW Wa
Posts: 1,549

Hi Janet , very nice my dream HAHAHAH I will never get to...

What machine do you have the SE? I love my Vikings. Have a Viking for over 20 years.

We had a lady as our speaker at a meeting a couple of months ago ad she uses the 8.5 x 24 in ruller and folds fabric on it then pills it out and folds in half and is then put on shelfs in colors.. I am starting to do that.... I was already using card boards from flat folds but I like the more narrow look. Also TIP when you want something half way down or so just slide th ruler in just above the one you want out and the next one will slide right out. Works so slick.... Have many happy sewing days and nightts LOL.

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