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Old 04-14-2008, 08:27 AM
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Boy this is the dilemma when we put so much of our heart and soul into a quilt, not to mention the time and $

Skeat, I like the idea of the cookies and best of all the letter of care instructions... maybe include a little ditty about the 'heart, soul, time' etc :D cuz mentioning the $ might be considered tacky :shock:

Chele and imaquilter had good thoughts too.

:roll: I have to admit that b4 I became a quilter myself, I thought of quilts as being blankets from grandmas... don't hit me!! So I probably would have been guilty of hurting someone's feelings had I been given a quilt :!: It is a matter of education.

So, if any of you give an 'heirloom' quilt for a wedding gift etc, be sure to include the value of the quilt, even if it is sentimental value! Something similar to what OnTheGo mentioned... I read in a quilt magazine a few years ago that a woman gave a beautiful heirloom quilt to her son and dil as a wedding gift, and when she went to visit them after the honeymoon, the quilt was in the barn for the cats to sleep on...she about fainted! The point of the article was that no one knows the value if you don't tell them.

Education is the key

So far, I've only given quilts to my grandkids. When I finally give them to my adult daughters, they WILL be told the proper way to be respectful to the quilts.... but you can do that with your own offspring


Happier days ahead

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