Old 02-18-2010, 06:29 AM
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Originally Posted by omak
Originally Posted by craftiladi
Janet as my twin separated at birth I keep coming back and admiring your sewing rm and I can't say enough...you did good!
Love the bookcases and you have given me a idea where I can add at least one bookcase-in this pic where the lil tv is in the far corner it has been nagging at me that I have wasted space and since recently putting my craft books in the closet I haven't liked the set up...wala you solved my problem...I am going to add a tall bk case...thanks so much, love the inspiration you have given me. After I find the bk case I will post another pic of the corner redo but just wanted you to know you have helped me find yet another way to add MORE..lol

Oh another great idea I hadn't thought of a corner book shelf....great idea...I am a frugal bargain shopper so I will have to keep my eyes open for a corner one but I am betting that is going to be even harder to find.
hanks again ladies for all your great ideas.

ok just noticed this pic does show a short book case-old pic-I gave away that small bk case to a friend that really needed it-then I was sorry I did but now I have a great excuse to get a taller one ..lol
I see you have the solution ... before I read your post, I spotted that television and thought: I need to tell more people about corner cabinets! My folks did our tele on a corner shelf, so they could get to the wood box through the wall under it. I have my tele on top of two tall file cabinets (four drawer file cabinets) I put a piece of plywood across in order to support the weight, but eight twenty four inch deep drawers are pretty handy <g> You are going to have so much fun! <wave>
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