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Old 08-21-2018, 03:11 PM
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My kids played outside like I did when I was a kid. We had no A/C so always cooler outside. TV was only for evening watching after dinner and their Dad was home.

My Granddaughter in law thinks she should be playing with her Daughter (3) all the time. I think they need to play by themselves and use their imagination. GDIL is a very poor housekeeper, I guess not much time for cleaning after a day of playing everyday.

Our youngest Grandson, just turned 16. Never played outside much, watched TV and played on computer. He had to read before going to bed. Taught himself how to play games and figure it out himself. Since he started school he has excelled at his school work and is in the gifted class for many years. He is into learning history and has much of it memorized. When he graduates high school he will go two years to a junior college and four years to a college for real smart kids. He wants to be an engineer, rocket scientist, or hard telling what. He will probably change his mind a few times by then. Not everyone enjoys sports and hard to make a living playing them. I don't see how electronics has hurt him.
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