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Old 08-22-2018, 05:04 AM
Join Date: Aug 2018
Location: Mississippi
Posts: 3
Smile Greetings From Mississippi

Hello all.
Quick summary here:
I am in my mid life age range (50's shhh, don't tell anyone). Me and my wife and my mom are all in the same household now. Helping each other through life. (Well ok, I'm here to help mom up now and again.)

Mom has 30 plus years sewing and quilting experience. I have One rag quilt experience! Yay.
However, I do like to learn new things so....
We are finalizing the deal on a Gammill long arm 14 footer today. It should arrive in about 3 weeks.

Meanwhile I have downloaded Creative Studio 7.0 for stand alone and study. Pretty lost on it so far as not much in the way of tutorials come up in my search results. Thought I would try to get a head start before the machine arrives...

Before anyone asks, yes, I/we plan on turning this into a long arm business.
That's the intro in a nutshell, and why I am on this board. I guess long arming has somethiing to do with quilting?
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