Thread: Boom 21 - Dunes
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Old 08-23-2018, 04:44 AM
Janice McC
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Libster, you seem to have thought out your decision well so congratulations on knowing what is best for you. Think of all the free time you'll soon have when there's no more lawn cutting to do unless, of course, you get so involved in your new community with new friends that you're never home anymore! (I will wait for the new address, no worries. Won't ship anything until I know it's ok to do so.)
Originally Posted by Libster View Post
...Another bit of news from my homefront…….I have decided to move into a Senior Apartment Facility. The upkeep here is getting to be a bit much for me to keep up with. You would think there was nothing to sitting on a lawn mower and riding around the yard. Man, I feel like I've been beat with a 2x4 when I cut it off and stand up! I've thought about this for quite a while now and decided this is what I want to do. I'm going to have to downsize like crazy. On the bright side, I will still be near my family if I need them. Anyway, my sewing machines are part of me, so they go where I go. I'll be signing my lease tomorrow, but I'm going to take my time moving.

Janice, as soon as I have the new address, I'll get it to you. Wish me luck, Ladies.
GramE, your block for Pam is terrific!
Originally Posted by GramE View Post
...One for PamelaOry. As I look at this pic I took the top lines look a bit tipsy. Might be how it is hanging. Gonna have to go back and check that!
Kassaundra, another beautiful block!
Originally Posted by Kassaundra View Post
Sewbiz I got yours finished today. I barely had thread left from your fabrics, well I did have one 1 x 2 inch piece of the green left.
And GramE, you've done it again with sewbizgirl's fabric. Didn't it make you crazy as you got closer and closer to the end of the fabric? I'm always concerned I'll mis-cut when I know I've got to use almost every square inch of an f8. And that makes me more likely to mis-cut. Oh, dear. Great block!
Originally Posted by GramE View Post
Ha, I just realized the picture of the scraps is larger than the block!
For SewBiz

I had to laugh that Kass said she just had a tiny piece left. I had already taken a pic of the threads I had left!
Beautiful block, Kass.

Hey, I think that will free you up for more sewing time, Libster! Condensing my belongings would be hard for me though. We did it six years ago, when we moved closer to our kids but I could still pare down a lot, just how do you decide.
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