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Old 08-24-2018, 05:57 AM
Batik 54
Join Date: Nov 2016
Location: West Central Illinois
Posts: 63

I have been belonged to a Guild for 10 years and joined because I won the raffle quilt at the quilt show. We have a show every 2 years. The money we raise from the show funds our programs for the next two years. We make a raffle quilt and sell chances about 4 months before the show and including the show. We draw at the end of the show. The raffle quilt makes the most money. We have vendors which we charge the vendor for their space which covers the rent of the high school. This show we had 300 quilts and our show is judged ( 110 quilts), put you can display a quilt without it being judged. When we went to a certified judge some of our members feelings were hurt by comments and decided that they did not want their quilts judged. So the only quilts which receive ribbons are the judged quilts, but they all hang together. On the card that describes the quilt it states if it is judged or non judged. We have a bed turning, raffle baskets, bake sale (new last quilt show did great, but this quilt show it's sales were down, too many cupcakes and not enough pie), gifted quilter where you can buy small quilted items like table runner, pot pads, etc. We have a "trash and treasurers" the vendors do not feel it conflicts because it is mostly scrap fabric, old magazines and occasionally some thread or gently used rulers. Items we usually have on our free table on an off quilt show year. The year of the quilt show there is no free table at meetings the donations go to the show. We have a local restaurant do a food stand so our workers don't have to leave and people who visit can be a BBQ for lunch. We have the judging and setup on Friday and the show on Saturday and Sunday. We usually raise enough money we can bring in some real good speakers. We live in a rather small town, have about 400 paid admissions to the show which does not include out members (110) because we do not pay. Our guild has members from about a 30 mile radius.
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