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Old 09-01-2018, 05:36 PM
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Originally Posted by Barb in Louisiana
The small guild that I belonged to had an easy BOM pattern each month. We made 2 blocks. One to go in a drawing for all who participated. If you made 4 blocks, you got two entries. The extra blocks were made into charity & good will type quilts. We chose whatever the need was. Once it was for the young children who had lost their police officer dad's or mom's. Another time it was for a cancer ward. That got good participation each month. We had a pattern printed out and was given one of the colors for either a center block so that each block had some type of continuity. We paid a quarter or 50 cents as a donation for the small bit of fabric and the printing cost of printing the pattern. The lady always made a block up of the pattern so that everyone could see and take pictures of what the end result should be.
I love this idea! If the blocks have a good purpose, there's a reason to make them. I know "Block Lotto" fizzled out in one guild, because everyone had won, and hadn't finished them.
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