Thread: Boom 21 - Dunes
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Old 09-05-2018, 05:57 PM
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Originally Posted by Janice McC View Post
That’s right! There were actually three that went astray but yours certainly took the cake for wackiness. Where was it that Libster’s went? Puerto Rico? Yes, PR! For goodness sake. Me, I’ve only received a few of my yellow blocks but they’re gorgeous. I just started opening up all the packages, rooting around for mine right after checking that everything is there. Woo. Hoo. Thank you, TG, for a quick reminder of what this is all about.

Yep. mine did decide to go to PR without me! I had already forgotten that until I was reminded just now. They were only a few days late getting home.
I know there has to be a perfectly reasonable explanation for Billi's absence. Something drastic has had to happen, this is just not her! Whatever it is, I hope it gets worked out so that she's back with us soon. I really miss her bright chatter and she always makes gorgeous blocks.
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