Thread: Boom 21 - Dunes
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Old 09-17-2018, 03:05 AM
Janice McC
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Good morning, Boomers. I just came in from the damp but very clear morning. I watched the ISS transit again. She’s been making an appearance for several mornings in a row, twice this morning in fact. I wonder what the astronauts are doing today. Today’s a full day for me but I will post the most recent blocks in the gallery. Thank you to Hav4boys for working diligently to get them done on time. Woo, hoo! Also, I’ve emailed Billi again to remind her everything is due Saturday. I have no reason to think she’s reading them or listening to my phone messages, but I’ll keep it up. I’ll tell you, this situation makes me appreciate even more those of you who have fulfilled or are working to fulfill your obligation to the swap, especially when life has come up and thrown in a few obstacles. Speaking of that, has anyone heard from QM about how her surgery went? I believe it was on the 13th. Oh, I’ll also post today the list of who has sent what. Except for Billi, everyone has said blocks will be here on time. Double woo, hoo! Enjoy your day!
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