Thread: Singer 128
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Old 09-17-2018, 02:16 PM
Senior Member
Join Date: Jul 2017
Posts: 802

I have a 128 with a hand crank. Aren't they just the cutest little machines?

The bobbins actually look like most bobbins do, if you count the ones used for weaving, which used bobbins long before sewing machines were invented. So, they just used a tiny version of what "bobbin" meant to them atbthe time. What we should be in awe of was the first person who thought about making bobbins with bigger ends and a shorter shaft, and using them without a shuttle. That was definitely thinking put side the boat. Or box, as it were. (The part that holds the bobbin used for hand looms is called a boat shuttle, and the ones for the 128 look like tiny baby ones with fancy machined attachment devices.)
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