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Old 09-24-2018, 08:50 AM
gramma nancy
Senior Member
Join Date: Oct 2011
Location: JAX
Posts: 673

I noticed no one had responded to you, so I thought I would pass on some advice. The only way to know which machine is for you is to sew on both of them. Take your time and try some of the things you would routinely do when sewing at home. Which has controls that feel more intuitive? Which has adequate light -- in the right place for the way you sit at the machine? Does one feel like a joy to use while the other is a bit more of a chore? Which has the capabilities you are looking for -- adjustable needle position, automatic buttonholes, fancy stitches, stitch regulator -- whatever is important to you?

Only when you put your butt in the seat and your hands on the controls can you begin to assess which is right for you.

Good luck!
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