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Old 10-08-2018, 05:05 AM
feline fanatic
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Join Date: May 2009
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Rose P. Yes those are valid considerations. Little kids love to press buttons and a quilt loaded onto a longarm rack attracts cats to lounge on the "hammock" created, they love it more than catnip! Mine is in a back bedroom I keep closed off. One time I came out of the room to use the bathroom and didn't shut the door behind me. In less than a secnd one of my Maine Coon cats was in there and sprawled out on the quilt like he was king of the castle. LOL. Thankfully it was one of my quilts and no harm no foul (lucky considering he is close to 20lb!). He was unceremoniously removed from his new lounge and I am diligent about shutting the door now but I still get the occasional breach of security. Something about cats and a room they are not allowed into makes it that much more enticing to them.

I too am curious as to how lili480 manages to get to the back of her setup with only 6" of space. Crawls under the rack maybe?? Where there's a will there's a way. I only have about 18" on one side to get to the back. So far there have been no issues but it is a narrow space. And I do crawl underneath my quilt to check the backing occasionally.
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